Step into the eerie world of obsession with "Fog of Fixation" - the captivating prequel to the beloved Phantom of the Opera. Get ready to be swept away on a gothic, horror-tinged romance that will leave you breathless!
Uncover the dark secrets and hidden depths of Erik’s journey before he became The Phantom. Follow Isabella as she becomes entangled in a twisted web of infatuation, haunted by the enigmatic masked stranger and his mesmerizing voice.
But can Isabella see past the chilling horrors that lurk behind Erik’s haunting facade? Dive into a story that will keep you on edge until the very last page.
Join us in this mesmerizing Phantasmagoria series and discover why readers are raving about "Fog of Fixation". Don’t miss out - grab your copy today in both Kindle and paperback formats. Prepare to lose yourself in a world where obsession knows no bounds!