SD Hatfield was born in North Carolina many years ago and currently lives in Muskegon, Michigan. The first fifteen years of his life was spent traveling and moving to and fro as a Navy dependent, this experience opened his eyes to a larger world and he has enjoyed traveling ever since. He holds a BS Degree in History from Georgia College & State University and an MA in Military History. Still hoping one day to have writing pay the bills he has maintained a career in Information Technology and brings almost twenty years of experience to the table. In a never ending quest to find a genre that fits his talents he has taken a swing at writing screenplays and comic book scripts, but novels is where he will continue to be found. An avid reader and movie watcher he enjoys calling these pastimes "research" and is trying to figure how to write off trips to the cinema and bookstore as business expenses. If you are from the IRS he is just joking.