Things are looking up for Sophie Morgan. She's fended off vampires on a holiday to Antwerp, escaped them on her return home and stabbed her vampire sympathizing neighbor. Now she's slowly trying to rebuild her life in her hometown of Bethel. Running the family property business may not be lucrative but she's happy. Since returning to Wales, she's only had to kill one vampire and thanks to the linoleum on her kitchen floor, even that was an easy clean up.
Then one rainy night Mickey Kelly, the missing barman she had a brief flirtation with in Antwerp, arrives on her doorstep with troubling news. His brother has been murdered and vampires are coming for her. And Charles Ferrers, Sophie's former adversary, feels compelled to follow her to South Wales. What kind of connection do they have? Will a call to his duties as an enforcer for the ancient Byzantine family get in the way and what does an ancient manuscript have to do with our heroine anyway? Will Sophie and Mickey finally consummate their relationship and where will it lead them? Or will another new man in her life be more significant than she thinks? This time Sophie has bigger problems than vampires to deal with. This time she has family visiting.