Fifteen years after The Rapture, Sheel embarks upon a mission to save the Earth from the notorious Dracs, lizard men who run the dreaded Administration. Fortunately, he is a Fooler, capable of subtly manipulating the minds of others. Unfortunately, Sheel has no idea what his mission is because, in order to maintain the secrecy of the Resistance, he has managed to fool himself into forgetting it almost entirely. In a world where everyone has wings, tails, or claws. Sheel and his telepathic partner Azura navigate a world of flying pigs, pirate dragons, and elven royalty to deliver a message of dire importance, though they know neither what the message is nor what their next stop will be.
Meanwhile, Nanki, a Hindi Indian girl who “died” in World War II, is traveling through space to reach Earth ahead of a different enemy. She’s on a mission of her own to warn the inhabitants of Earth of their impending doom.
Two messengers with two messages. Through the chaos of aerial dog-fighting, shootouts, and sword duels all set against the backdrop of zeppelins, spaceships, and crystal towers, our heroes must learn that trusting one’s friends is important, but trusting oneself is paramount.