Dr. Sandra Dickerson, Ed.D; PhD I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I attended public schools Grades K-12. During my elementary school years, I attended segregated schools as neighborhoods were segregated. I graduated from UWM in May of 1974 with a B.S. in secondary English. That same year I moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, I joined the faculty of the Cambridge High and Latin School (then later renamed the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School) becoming the second person of color in the history of the school to be tenured in the English Department. I taught in Cambridge for 19 years. Some of my more notable students were Matt Damon the movie star and Patrick Ewing retired New York Knicks center. While in Cambridge I matriculated at Harvard University where I obtained a Master’s in education in 1981. In1990 I was awarded "Teacher of the Year" by the city of Cambridge. The Council of Learned Societies awarded me a fellowship in 1993 which was tenured at Harvard. After engaging a fruitful career on the east coast, I returned to Milwaukee assuming the position of Language Arts Curriculum Specialist for the Milwaukee Public Schools. In this post I directed English language arts instruction for 165 schools and approximately 3,500 teachers. I retired from MPS in 2005. I earned a PhD in English from UWM in 2011. I have taught at Simmons College and Wheelock College, both in Boston, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and Marquette University. I devote my time now to the writing life and I am grateful to the Almighty that I can make such a statement. Soon to be released works include Girls Together: A Collection of Short Stories and Black Students Matter Too: An Examination of the Black/White Student Achievement Gap.