Intrigued by the Arab way of life or travelling to an Arab country?Book of Arabia is the complete guide to Arab Culture, Traditions, Business Society, Behavior, Body language, Hospitality, Etiquette and other aspects of Muslim and non-Muslim Arab cultures alike.Written by Colette Abi Rached, an Arabnative, born and raised in Beirut - Lebanon.Colette's travels between the West andArab cultures gave her a unique experiencein knowing the differences between the twocultures.Here, she offers readers in her easy-to-readexploration an insider's perspectiveof Arab culture and traditions along withtips on how to interact of all aspects ofArab life as well as the reasoning behindthem. Subjects include Arab character andbehavior, speech and body language, belief, hospitality and offers advice on how tobehave in the presence of Arab people -providing valuable tips to both tourists andbusinesspeople alike.She also explains the status of Arabwomen and dedicated a chapter offeringadvice to any woman living in the Arabworld.Book of Arabia is a key to a library of knowledge of the Arab world. You'll find yourself going back to it to broaden your daily experiences as a resident, strengthen your relationships as a professional or make your holiday more enjoyable as a tourist