Welcome to the town of Silver River, hidden deep within the majestic Rocky Mountains. This historical, three-part series follows the lives of the Bradford-Bevan family, who live with their Aunt in a sprawling, three-story house. Abby, her sister, Rosemary, and their friend, Greta, will each face certain calamity, uncovering mysteries to maintain the peaceful existence of their town.
After several miners fall ill, Doctor Roger Cameron finds himself volunteering to help in Silver River, a bustling mining town deep in the Colorado Mountains. What he hadn’t counted on was Nurse Abigail Bradford-Bevan, who, despite wearing hideous-looking glasses, intrigues him.
Following the death of her employer, Abigail stumbles upon his replacement at the post office, meeting a doctor on holiday from Philadelphia. Doctor Cameron must discover the source of the toxin, enlisting Abigail’s help, although they unknowingly place themselves in danger. As the situation grows dire, Abby and Roger work together to solve the puzzle, the truth revealed after a shocking accident.