Bill Jasmine, Jillian Martin, and Neil Vienna make a comeback in Cold by Nightfall, the sequel to the fast-paced novel, Gone by Morning. While world-renowned physicist and businessman, Dr. Bill Jasmine, prepares to reveal his dark and stunning truths to the world, he organizes a masquerade ball that will take place at his illustrious mansion on Lake Travis. Taking no chances with his prominent, high society guests, he leaves no stone unturned in order to ensure their safety. But when yet another person close to Bill dies, he’s shaken to his core.
Neil Vienna, CEO of Vienna Homes, makes choices that ultimately put his friendship with Bill to the test, and a power struggle ensues. On a journey to the Venezuelan Llanos, he finds himself caught up in a deadly and ruthless game, nearly costing him his own life, as well as the lives of others. Jillian Martin, the widow of a wealthy criminal, finds herself faced with hard truths and torn between the two powerful men in her life. When Neil’s investigation collides with her world, things take a dangerous turn. Cold by Nightfall is a compelling novel filled with twists and turns, set in the heart of the infamous Hill Country in Austin, Texas and affluent community of Lake Travis.