Shelley was born in Iowa. She lived in the small town of Parkersburg, IA. At the tender age of seven she and her sister Elaine answered an alter call together to ask our wonderful Savior in their hearts. It was there she knew things would not be the same. She has a partner for life from now on. With Jesus and the Holy Spirit, she decided to get baptized at the age of 11. In her teenage years, she went on a mission trip with a youth group to Colorado. In this setting of ministry and daily devotional time, she began to hunger for the word of God. In 1980, she married Martin, and they have three children: Amanda, Adreane and Caleb. They moved to Ozark, MO in 1993. Shelley was a stay at home mom. After much thought, she took on home schooling their children which began at tenth, eighth, .and second grade. With this new challenge, she asked for wisdom, strength, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. As she was staying at home, her entrepreneurial husband started a wheel chair company with a partner. On one side of an oversized warehouse a ministry called the Launch Pad was started. They shipped 4 million pounds of food, clothing, medical supplies all over the world and locally. Many families came to help in this endeavor as well as Shelley and their children. After raising their children in a christian environment and learning to let them go, Shelley began to work for Integrity Home Heath Care over the summer until home schooling their last child was complete. Shelley and her husband, Martin, remodeled many of their homes as well as helped their pastor start up the Healing River International Ministry as well as the school of ministry. While being involved in leadership and prophetic ministry training she, started writing this devotional book. In the pursuit for an investment, they bought a laundromat, which they later turned into a furniture and craft store and then offices that helped them start their investment portfolio. Shelley became a Realtor for about four years while she and her husband began to buy, remodel, and invest in residential and resort real estate and a campground.