Damon Sprock wrote "The First Indigo" in 1983 (Copyright, 1984) under the title "Punkin Hall" but did not release it in book form. Many of Damon Sprock’s publications involves human consciousness and metaphysics. "The First Indigo" is the first of a three-part series drama based on a true life story. Dr. Damon Sprock, a practicing metaphysics, research scientist from San Diego County, California, began his interests in the mind at age ten when an application of the mind sciences enabled Dr. Sprock to achieve a single season record of fifteen home runs in Little League. From then on, it was one accomplishment after another. Dr. Sprock went on to earn a football scholarship to Purdue University, graduating with a B.S. in Physical Therapy. Advanced doctorate studies in the field of Metaphysics/ Cosmology/Ontology and Eastern philosophy highlighted Dr. Sprock’s studies in California from 1980-1983 and mentoring from internationally renowned philosopher, Dr. Alan Watts. Dr. Sprock’s 1984, best-selling book The Athletic Connection and the techniques contained within have touched, in some manner, every Olympic athlete since 1984, along with such notables as: Jim Brown, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Corey (Former defensive coordinator for the Buffalo Bills), Gene Tenace (Former Oakland A’s triple World Series winner and Toronto Blue Jays batting coach during and after their 1992 and 1993 World Series championships), to name a few. Other publications offered by Dr. Sprock can be viewed on Amazon/Books.