Brandon Russell was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Living in Brooklyn was all Brandon knew. His family and friends lived there. He had an incredible childhood and like most who are in this cultural context he had dreams of being a professional athlete. Though this dream was never achieved, life would take him on an unexpected journey that would reveal a reality he could not have imagined. Before he entered high school, his parents decided to relocate to North Carolina. Though this move would have frustrated most teenagers, Brandon embraced relocating. He would miss his family and friends but somehow he knew the move would be beneficial. In North Carolina his parents were able to be homeowners instead of renters. The move to North Carolina clearly made practical sense but the move would prove to be a turning point in Brandon’s life. If Brandon stayed in Brooklyn he would surely not be the man he is today. Due to several eye-opening experiences he decided to attend Liberty University. In high school Brandon’s mother introduced him to a series of books that caused him to think on matters of eternity. Brandon always thought he was good person who would gain entrance to heaven. However, these books challenged his thinking. Reading these books set in motion a chain of events that caused Brandon to appreciate life a lot more. After graduating high school he decided to attend a college that shared this same appreciation. It was on this campus where he heard the life-changing message of the GOSPEL! This message caused Brandon to change his major to Religion. He currently has a bachelors degree in Religion and a Masters of Divinity. Brandon had no clue this would be where his life would take him. Though he desires to teach on the college or university level God has been ordering his steps. While Brandon still desires to teach, God graciously allowed him to write a book. Brandon realizes that most people don’t believe in God and if they do it is not the holy, eternal and sovereign God the Bible reveals. Many of Brandon’s friends and family share opposing views. Despite this Brandon seeks to lovingly and compassionately share the truths that have changed his life.