Meet Kara Stronggear, a very young woman with a job to do. As a Courier-a modern outgrowth of the Pony Express-Kara will not allow anyone, or anything, to keep her from delivering what has been entrusted to her. She is brave, inventive, and can think fast. Growing up Kara was trained by her dad, and others, on how to fight, how to use a variety of weapons, how to do basic repairs on steam engines, how to pilot airships and what might be the most important knowledge, when to run.
Kara deals with a horrific storm, gang members, a pack of large angry dogs, people hunting her, and an international spy who wants something she does not realize she is carrying. She just might be the perfect Courier, if she lives long enough to grow up, for she faces situations and dangers she is not prepared for.
When someone wants something she has and is willing to kill for it, she finds she isn't as ready as she thinks.
From gun battles, to hurricanes, to fighting guard dogs, to running on the torn up streets of a strange city, to a dogfight over a desert, she finds it hard to keep ahead of the man who want something she has.
Kara has friends that are willing to help even as she doesn't understand why. She needs to find her own heart even as she tries to protect a tiny object that could start a new world war with invincible weapons.
She has hard decisions to make and a need to grow up, if she survives that long.