Amy would like to consider herself a normal person, but as time goes on, she’s begun to question what that really means. Active in her community, she spends her times traversing multiple realities while staying connected to the present moment. An awakened Starseed, Amy currently resides in Fort Worth, Texas with her husband, two teens; a boy and a girl, a cat, a dog and an agave plant that she adores. In her free time, she delves into her work in the field of metaphysics, spirituality, and all that entails connecting in with the soul. She’s still searching for a title to describe it all. Amy loves the turning of the seasons, and a good windy, thunderstorm. If she’s not working with a client or running a kid to their next appointment, she’s more than likely posting on Instagram under the usernames @Star_Light_Photos and @Starseeded_Ascensions. For credentials and services offered, visit To stay up to date on other titles in the Star-Seeded Ascensions series, visit