Ethan Indigo Smith is the son of a farmer and nurse who was later adopted by artists. Ethan was raised in Maine, Manhattan, and Mendocino, California. Ethan is a proud dropout. Ethan has traveled the world and has been employed briefly as Private Detective, a dishwasher, a valet, a snowboard instructor and always a poet. Ethan Indigo Smith meditates, practices Wu tai chi chuan, The Five Tibetan Rites and various yoga. Ethan snowboards and researches nuclear experimentation. Ethan plays basketball and is a philosopher. Ethan is an activist, mainly with the pen, always siding with individuals among institutions. All of Ethan’s writing, no matter if philosophy or satire, is focused to enhancing consciousness. He writes towards a peaceful world with a sharp and unique perspective. Ethan proudly dropped out of high school, though he later admittedly graduated and then again dropped out of college. Later he dropped out of the proverbial rat race entirely, moving to The Sierra Nevada mountains in California to snowboard for many winters. Being a dropout with enhanced observational skills enabled Ethan Indigo Smith to honestly observe and present his research unfettered by institutional hindrance. Ethan’s articles appear on several leading news websites and magazines from around the world with global audiences including Ethan’s first book is The Complete Patriot’s Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism. In it he explores history, philosophy and activism through an Orwellian lens. One of his more recent works is The Geometry of Energy How to Meditate. It presents a way for all levels of practitioners to expand their individuation and find their true nature.