Rainer Maria Morita, globally successful executive-level hidden-job market expert, proudly presents his first book in his series of 3 executive job interviewing books:
- "Peak Performance Interviewing for Executives".
- "Perfect Pitching for Executives in the Hidden Job Market".
- "Executive Video Interviews in the Hidden Job Market".
Highlights: Rainer Maria Morita is proud to reveal, for the first time, the breakthrough interview methodology - Peak Performance Interviewing for Executives. The goal is to win C-suite job interviewsat the $200K-$1 Million level / 150TDK - 1 Million level / CHF180000 - CHF1 Million level. Worldwide it has gained great popularity among thousands of job seekers who owe their career advancement and job interview success to this technique. Bestseller author Rainer Morita distilled the essence of what drives ultimate job interview success in this short booklet with one goal in mind - help you be # 1 in interviews and get you the job offer. Knowing exactly THE most important job interview success factor gives you the edge and makes Peak Performance Interviewing so powerful and popular. One Golden Rule of job search success says: The candidate who gets the job is not the one with the best background, but the one who knows how to interview best. Therefore, Peak Performance Interviewing is for those
-who want to significantly improve their interviewing skills from OLD to NEW SCHOOL OF INTERVIEWING.
-who are ambitious and daring to aim for a significantly higher position or significant industry change.
-who want to prepare for specific job interviews.
-who have experienced the cycle - get job interviews but always "drop out" and never get offers - with poor self-confidence and communication defects.
-who are stuck with employment handicaps, not knowing how to address or overcome them. What this booklet is NOT: a guide from A to Z about interviewing covering in detail every or many aspects of interviewing because you will suffer from paralysis by analysis. --------------------------
About the Author:
- Rainer Morita is a bestselling author, Peak Performance Interviewing Coach and Hidden Job Market Expert helping executives find their perfect C-suite job based on the Morita Method - anywhere.
- He has coached more than 5000 executives worldwide in the last 20 years and is regularly coaching INSEAD and IMD alumni (Fontainebleau, Lausanne, Singapore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi).
- He is an Executive Career Advisor for Bluesteps headquartered in New York, helping C-suite candidates worldwide in their career transition.
- He is Hidden Job Market subject matter expert at the largest outplacement company worldwide for C-suite leaders in transition.
- Business school alumni and currently enrolled at MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston.
- He has published 7 books amongst others the international bestseller "Executive Job Search in the Hidden Job Market - The Morita Method" for Executives".