Research shows that organizations competing in mature markets need to set themselves apart from the competition. In Differentiate or Decline, Andrews, Roller, and Migliore show today’s colleges and universities how to seize control of their competitive strategy and kick-start enrollment growth by using the same techniques that major corporations use to dominate the competition. The authors make the case that due to disruptions in the market for higher education that the strategic landscape of the industry is irrevocably changed. Thus, a differentiated value proposition is necessary to assist universities in positioning themselves to compete in a global economy.From the IntroductionAdvance praise for Differentiate or Decline"Bullseye! Andrews, Roller, & Migliore offer clear, sound, and timeless insights to guide administrators through the process of understanding their unique role in the marketplace, creating a compelling organizational strategy, and effectively accomplishing the institution’s most important goals. It’s the education that higher education so desperately needs."--Ben LeVan, Ph.D., President of Propel, LLC."This book is required reading for any university leader. The book’s contents provide a detailed manual for the development of a solid business plan that is critical to any university’s success. Whether you have been leading for years or are in your first leadership assignment, this book has something for you. All leaders work daily to improve their skills. This book will improve both your university and your individual leadership skills. Get the book, read it, implement the contents, and watch great things happen."--Robert M. Myers, DBA, President, Toccoa Falls College"Anyone involved in higher education knows that the paradigm has shifted. Gone are the days of growing enrollment, annual tuition hikes and no concern for competition. In the face of weak financial positions, market saturation, and decline in available students, Christian Higher Education especially needs to find another way. Differentiate or Decline takes a fresh look at these challenges by applying proven strategic management techniques in a new way. There is a lot to learn from our for-profit mentors that just might help your institution differentiate and avoid inevitable decline."--Dr. Jeffrey Fawcett, Dean, School of Business, Grace College"Andrews, Roller, & Migliore make a strong case that private Christian higher education must adapt to continuing changes in market forces, the weakened fiscal viability of higher education, and the market saturation that occurs when old geographic boundaries are removed by a new model of competitive reach. They propose that habitual strategic foresight (detecting early indicators of emerging challenges) must be cultivated as a prelude to strategic planning processes. The book unpacks those processes in detail with cogent higher education examples and provides clear pathways for an institution to follow to identify its competitive advantage and value proposition. This concise book will be helpful to the leaders of any institution that wants to take a fresh look at itself in light of contemporary challenges."--Dr. Mark Stanton, Provost, Azusa Pacific University