Poetically Unapologetic Sophia King is on an enlightening journey to regain her freedom. After retiring with over 15 years of corporate experience, she loves her transition to authorship and its power. As a respected writer on often taboo topics such as religion, social issues, and injustices. King has been able to craft herself a lane of her own. And, she has more in store for her audience. Her book “Poetically Unapologetic” is a collection of spoken word, poetry and short stories inspired by contemporary social issues. Fueled by her passion to help others and the recent loss of her daughter Mahogany Allen, she hopes to empower the youth and to cultivate their powers and talents through monologues of spoken word and poetry. With a bold and recognizable style similar to Maya Angelou, August Wilson and Langston Hughes, Sophia King’s writing style is sure to broaden your understanding of the issues affecting our communities.