Across the Plane has previously been optioned for film and may be again. The success of this story is in large part due to the loveable character, Evelyn Murray now carried over in Mystics. This is an emotional rollercoaster that will touch the heart and soul of the reader.
Tom Carpenter unknowingly gets lost across the astral plane in a place his mind created. Since he and his wife Kristi are soul mates, they must find a way to reconnect, or both will die. Along Tom’s journey across the many parts of the Astral Plane, he finds his daughter whom he’d lost years before. From her, he retrieves the two wooden nickels he once buried with her. It is the power of the wooden nickels and the memories they hold that may lead Tom Carpenter back to his wife. It’s a hard emotionally painful journey for Tom, but he doesn’t have to go alone. Old lady Evelyn Murray who is viewed as a witch or psychic comes to his aid by request of his wife Kristi. It is Evelyn, a woman in disguise who tells Tom he and his wife may be running out of time in a place where time doesn’t count. Tom grows to trust Evelyn but soon discovers, not everyone is what they seem across the plane.