Tony Annesi, a martial artist since 1964, has earned dan-ranks in Judo, aiki-ju-jutsu, and karate and has researched numerous other martial arts. Annesi is the director of Bushido-kai BUDOYA, which markets martial arts videos, books, manuals, and other educational materials. He serves as chief officer of Bushido-kai KENKYUKAI, an organization dedicated to the development of traditional martial arts in the modern world and specifically of the Takeshin Sogo Budo, which it administrates from its Bushido-kai HOMBU DOJO, Ashland, Massachusetts. Annesi has written for INSIDE KARATE, BLACK BELT, INSIDE KUNG-FU, MASTERS OF SELF-DEFENSE, FIGHTER INTERNATIONAL and other publications. He is the author 8 Aiki-ju-jutsu Manuals, 6 Karate Manuals, and of Cracking the Kata Code, The Principles of Advanced Budo, Expressing the Budo, Sudden Attack Defense, Tales of the Dojo, The Dojo Files, Elevated Elementals, and Comparative Aiki in Action. Many of the above titles in video format as well as numerous kata analysis videos are available from Bushido-kai Productions at He has also written 1969, Loss of Innocence, a book of short stories, and The Shangrilla Artifacts, a fantasy novel trilogy.