飢餓遊戲系列第五本Sunrise on the Reaping,故事發生在本傳三部曲的24年前,以凱妮絲與比德的導師黑密契為主角,看黑密契如何在重重危機中殺出重圍?
來自12區的黑密契.阿勃納西(Haymitch Abernathy)試著不要對自己的運氣太悲觀,他在乎的只是撐過這天,並和他所愛的女孩在一起,然而當黑密契的名字被抽出,他感覺自己的一切夢想都被打碎。他被迫離開家人和愛人,和其他12區的貢品一同前往首都,另外三人分別是對黑密契形同妹妹的朋友、鎮上最自命不凡的女孩,以及一名精算師。
"As the day dawns on the fiftieth annual Hunger Games, fear grips the districts of Panem. This year, in honor of the Quarter Quell, twice as many tributes will be taken from their homes. Back in District 12, Haymitch Abernathy is trying not to think too hard about his chances. All he cares about is making it through the day and being with the girl he loves. When Haymitch’s name is called, he can feel all his dreams break. He’s torn from his family and his love, shuttled to the Capitol with the three other District 12 tributes: a young friend who’s nearly a sister to him, a compulsive oddsmaker, and the most stuck-up girl in town. As the Games begin, Haymitch understands he’s been set up to fail. But there’s something in him that wants to fight . . . and have that fight reverberate far beyond the deadly arena."--