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Forgiven: Break the Chain

Forgiven: Break the Chain Forgiven: Break the Chain

語言:英文   規格:平裝 / 146頁 / 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.8 cm / 普通級
$ 769
博客來 博客來
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圖書名稱:Forgiven: Break the Chain

Forgiveness works toward us for us to work toward others, even if they do not receive it. Mercy presents itself at the cost of you denying yourself. Forgiveness puts the soul that is initiating the very act in a different sphere than the soul that rejects its work sphere of light and sphere of darkness. Understanding the function of forgiven and its parallel relation to the CROSS and the soul helps you understand what is and is not ordained by GOD. Divine forgiveness is the power that involves the removal of stains surface deep. The Blood is the only power that removes such blemishes and leaves no traces; our deliverance is at the CROSS. This book will teach, guide and open your understanding in a broader perspective of the Power of the CROSS. The believer has been given a royal seat in Christ, authority to release, identification and the power to overcome illegal repressions, break its vision and uproot its seed by the Word of GOD, the Fire of the Holy Spirit and submission. GOD is a yoke destroyer. He desires for every single soul to be free from all chains of bondage and to walk in that knowledge of liberty. No matter what the chain is Yeshua (Jesus) paid the price for our freedom that provided complete deliverance. Understanding the finished work of the CROSS releases Kingdom graces that belong to believers as heirs through Christ Jesus. Forgiven is the grace dimension to step forward through acceptance and submission from that which once held us captive. When a soul steps into this realm the outlook is new and divinely renewed with Logos (The WORD-Yeshua) knowledge and through the Power of Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit). Choose to be free. Each time a thought attitude appears to bring bondage, hold your mind in prison and hold you chained to the past (mind control-witchcraft) by the Power of GOD, Command that Chain to Break in Yeshuas (Jesus) Name I Prophesy That You Step Forward, STEP Out DONT HESITATE DONT RETHINK IT MOVE SWIFTLY GUARD YOUR MIND In The WORD And STEP Step into That Dimension of total freedom; the supernatural and natural reality of what is real to the royal priesthood in Christ Jesus (Yeshua Hamashiach). Youll look in the mirror of the Word of God, recognize, dismantle, break the chains and learn how to close every unlawful gate by the authority of the Holy Spirit against what desires to dominant you by lies. The blood of Jesus that gives the body of Christ DNA has authorized the way of freedom; spiritually and naturally. Youll understand how to walk in dominion activation over the active forces and familiar spirits that are at work in the unseen realm.



I believe as you not only read this teaching, but study and ponder that God will awaken your spiritual senses to the deeper realities in him. I am privileged as an author to write from my experiences which the Hand of God has guided me through to release the increase of Yahwehs wisdom to you. As I hear the voice of the Lord and understand the insight, Im humbled to share with you the word of knowledge and divine revelation. It amazes me to see the strength of God; his plans, assignments, love and purpose he has ordained for the body of Christ his Bride. I believe approaching seasons are being stirred to arouse the body of Christ concerning Gods omnipotence and our position. I certainly have seen the Hand of God and the power of his breathe speak in situations that concerns me; not only am I still standing, but I testify that I live, move and have my being in Jesus. I testify as a witness that God is doing immeasurably above all that we can imagine or ask according to His Holy Spirit that worksseek him. I testify by his blood that his love, hiscompassion, his anointing and his glory is a reality. And I bear witness that as you set quality time aside to indulge in this manual that your understanding will be increased. Holy Spirit is doing a continual and sustaining work. All that He does for one Hes sure to do for another. He shows no favoritism. No matter how it may look, I encourage your heart to hold on to God in faith because only the Spirit of God knows the course of this divine faith journey. Indulge with readiness to receive. May the blessings of godly wisdom, strength and peace be multiplied through this great work in Christ Jesus toward you. Elder Delmelodia Tipton is a Spirit-filled woman of God, woman of faith and prayer, intercessor, entrepreneur, author, mother of two daughters and the wife of David Tipton. This is her third revelatory teaching manual inspired under the directions, insight and wisdom of the Holy Spirit...her first and second books are must read-studies. The woman of God is cloaked with a mantle and spiritual gifts ordained from the backside of the wilderness and through the refinery Hand of God. The Lord has summon, trained, anointed and appointed her to preach and flow in the capacity of his anointing for the purposes of soul deliverance and equipping souls to walk in their priestly position. She has served faithfully over the years under the apostolic leadership of Apostle Larry (Iliana) Pratcher Jr. Delmelodia Tipton teaches from the Hebraic faith which is the root of the body of Christ salvation in Yeshua (Jesus). Delmelodia Tipton is host and producer of Ambassadors 4Christ Apostolic Telecast Ministry commissioned to reach, teach and preach the Word of God to the nations.To become a kingdom sponsor or partner by sowing financially to support the Kingdom of God mission work in the earth, visit the website @ www.ambassaduer4christ.net.



  • ISBN:9781546229322
  • 規格:平裝 / 146頁 / 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.8 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國
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