I remember in about ninth grade, my English teacher gave us an assignment to write down what we wanted to be when we grew up. I wrote that I wanted to be saved, married, and have children. Of course it all came to pass, maybe not in that sequence, but it did happen. Being taught holiness and living right is what I grew up with; it was my surrounding. As I became a saved young adult, one of the old missionaries clung to me. She took me under her wing and taught me. Today I am an Evangelist Missionary, and I work in the medical field. God was with me and is with me. He helped me out of many hard times, and I am so thankful. Now, I’m stepping out on faith, and God is blessing me to accomplish more. My past is my history, it was a lesson learned, and it was a choice that bought about consequences, but now I’m free to live the life God designed for me.