In a world of unwavering resolve...
Lady Georgina Seton, a spirited force of nature, carries within her the echoes of heartache and an unyielding determination. Fueled by her past, she charts a course to seize control of her destiny, shattering conventions as she forges ahead. Her aspiration: to etch her name into history as England’s most remarkable female archer, a shield against the constraints of marriage.
Bound by ambitions...
Felton Crauford, a man driven by a hunger for prosperity, is the overlooked scion of his lineage, determined to carve out a destiny illuminated by wealth. Yet, a treasure trove of minerals he unearths presents a formidable hurdle-a seam of potential fortune intersecting with a neighboring estate. Amid his mounting frustration, the spirited young woman next door becomes a vexing distraction and an irresistible allure he battles to ignore.
In a collision of destinies, Felton and Georgina find themselves ensnared by an irresistible longing that imperils their aspirations. As desire blazes unbidden between them, they stand at the mercy of an overwhelming yearning. For Georgina, a pivotal decision looms: to unfasten the padlock guarding her heart, or to wager everything she’s worked for.
Journey through a tale where determination and desire intertwine, as two souls confront the ultimate gamble for love and autonomy.