For you, work is worship. How can you navigate our culture’s obsession with the worship of entrepreneurship while re-examining what it means to work by faith?The world needs people like you: entrepreneurs, business leaders; disrupters, change agents, risk-takers, and counter-cultural catalysts who want to re-examine the intersection of work and faith.As a leader, you are courageous because you believe the One who called you is greater than the challenge to which you are called.Our culture and the church have a deeply flawed perspective about work.Business culture celebrates leaders; the church talks about leadership but wants followers. Work is a gift from a gracious God. If you’re called to work, do so with excellence and passion.If you’re called to be an entrepreneur, pursue your calling with conviction and freedom.Entrepreneurs tend to be leaders, and not always good followers. It’s not a fault; it’s the way you’re wired.In the tension in between live those who want to live by faith and do work that matters, following their Lord and leading with the gifts and insights they have been given.We all struggle; we all yearn for success.There has to be more to the journey of faith and lifestyle of entrepreneurship than prosperity: EntreWorship will help you align your purpose, passion, and prosperity.I believe the Bible contains much wisdom that is relevant to entrepreneurs. I also believe that an entrepreneurial perspective on the Bible and faith is sorely needed for today.This intersection of work and faith is what I call EntreWorship.