A pioneer of business use of the web, Lisa Kipps-Brown founded Glerin Business Resources in 1996 in Jacksonville, Florida. She was a CPA, bored with accounting, and intrigued with the idea of being able to use her business experience in a more creative way.
Web development was the perfect fit and she left accounting to concentrate on helping businesses use the web in innovative ways to increase revenues, improve efficiency, and reduce expenses.
Today she’s a Web and Exit Strategist who specializes in helping clients understand how to use the web strategically to transform their businesses, improving value and marketability.
Lisa works extensively with businesses and communities to help develop cohesive marketing efforts and innovative initiatives, and has a gift for visionary thinking. She’s worked with a number of economic development and Main Street clients to develop groundbreaking small business initiatives and help improve communities’ marketability.
She also speaks about integrated marketing at events such as Industry Week magazine’s Roundtable in the Desert, and leads marketing and brainstorming workshops for clients.