The carefree lives of four sixteen-year-olds were changed forever when they witnessed a cold-blooded murder. Everett, Jackson, Mason, and Ryder, The Association, have shared dark secrets since they were in high school. As teenagers, they suffered threats to themselves and their families. Blackmail was a reminder that their lives were under close scrutiny while they achieved success in their chosen professions. As adults, they decide ’no more.’ As they start their investigation into the murder, they have no idea how their unknown enemy manipulated their lives.
Jackson Vance is the highly respected principal of Beacon Pointe High School. Raising his teenage daughter alone hasn’t been easy and he’s been forced to lock away his love Tamie Elise since he was a teenager. Loving her openly would draw her into his private misery. Tamie Elise’s specialty is helping children. After working with Doctors Without Borders, she returned to Beacon Pointe to take up the high school psychologist position. Her love for Jackson has never died, but would he still love her after he learns the secrets she’s been hiding from him?