Howdy Partner, Dylan Casa del Lobos has been a professional horseman for over 50 years. He still works as a horse dentist and continues to work without sedation or restraint. Relying on a bond of trust, h works on over 2,500 horses a year. Considered a horse whisperer, he laughs at the notion and tells everyone, he does it for real everyday, and doesn’t get to pick his patients. Dylan has traveled extensively in North America and Europe, during his career, and relies on the personalities of the thousands of horsemen and horsewomen he has known, for the rich and colorful characters portrayed in his writing. Some of them were heroic and some were renegades, but most were somewhere in between. When asked about his vivid characters, he smiles and admits, recalling and recreating those horsemen for character sketches is the most enjoyable part of writing. Dylan spent his undergraduate studies in archaeology and worked on several sites of primitive man. This experience provided a special insight into the life of early man and the struggle to survive. Working in the Canadian mountains as a cowboy, hunting guide, and horse packer has provided a rich background for imagining and describing the problems and dangers associated with the life of a migrating hunter during the Ice Age. There is probably no one who enjoys writing and telling a good story more than Dylan Casa del Lobos. He figures this story will be almost as exciting as riding a green horse. Just keep a deep seat and a faraway look, and remember to relax to have a good ride, through life. Dylan would like to sit around the campfire and break bread with all of you who love the wild country, horses, and dogs, but he is getting older and has almost had the biscuit. This is a more practical way to share his stories with more people. Good luck to all of you. I hope to see you in the later.