Jesus walked on the earth over two thousand years ago. We read about Him in the Bible. His story made it around the world and into the movie theaters. Who is this man? Discovering Jesus will take you on a journey from the Old Testament to the birth of Jesus, His ministry on earth and His death on the cross. Yet it did not end there; He rose again and appeared to many until He ascended into heaven. One day He will return as Bridegroom King. Our hearts search in many places for love and acceptance but will only come to rest in knowing the One who took our place on the cross. There can be no greater love than when someone is willing to give their life for another. The sacrificial love of Jesus cost Him His life. He is worth spending the time to find out who He was and is and why He paid such a great price for you and me.The book is written in an easy-to-read style with Bible stories, Scriptures, and examples of how God worked in the lives of Hermie and her family in order to draw them closer to Jesus. Ideal for individual use or small groups, each chapter has discussion questions and Scripture references that make it possible to go deeper into the Bible to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus.