In this third and final installment of the Paradise Series, Melanie Woods has lived through the decades to arrive back in 2003. Now she can resume the life she was forced to abandoned when a mysterious pocket watch sent her back to Cache Valley in the year 1858 and was then is lost. After 145 years, Melanie is back to being on the brink of finishing her senior year of college, of marrying the man she’s dated since high school, and of being able pursue an unwritten future, but unforeseen variables have the potential to unravel her plans. Will her arrival back to the night of her disappearance in 2003 put her on a time loop that sends her back again to 1858? How will Brian, her fiancé, react to her marriage to another man? Were the dreams and goals she had at 23 still be what she wants most, or will 145 years of life experience change her priorities?