’If history teaches us one thing, though, it is that despite their flaws and despite the ravages that violence in history inflicts on any entity, the Turks managed to produce something extraordinary. They gave us, and by far, the largest crop of great military leaders and statesmen in history. These leaders literally shaped world history and left a permanent legacy not just in respect to Turkey, but also in lands stretching over three continents at least (Africa, Europe and Asia), impacting on Muslims, Christians, and also Jews. No nation produced as many great rulers in diverse lands, in history, as the Turkish.’
The Great Turks charts the military and other accomplishments by men of Turkish origins during the Crusades (1095-1291), in Medieval India, during the great Ottoman apogee, and finally looks at the role of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.Amongst these figures, some are very well known, Othman, Mehmet II, and Suleyman, for instance. Others, such as Zangi and Baybars, are much less known. Hardly anyone is aware, on the other hand, that the Turkish dynasties and their capable leaders, such as Mohammed Ghuri or Balban, played a definite role in the greatness of Muslim India. This is the first work which looks at the decisive role, whether military or in state building, played by these and other Great Turks on three continents.
The book includes a great variety of maps and pictures.