Tissy Matthews is excited about beginning grade 7 and hanging out with her friends. But she does worry what kind of teacher Mrs. Ward will be because she's heard that she loves nature a little too much. A new girl joins her class this year named Lara. Although Tracy and Karen immediately decide that Lara tries to act too old for her age, Tissy and Rachel take the time to get to know her. They include her in their activities and quickly discover that Lara is a lot of fun to be around. But signs of a stressed home life soon become obvious. Although Lara is very private about her personal life, Tissy can't help but wonder what is going on that Lara doesn't want to share with her friends. As their friendship strengthens, Lara becomes more comfortable with Tissy and eventually entrusts her with a secret she has never revealed before. As certain events unfold, Tissy's mother also feels it’s the right time to tell her something from the past leaving Tissy with "Secrets I Know."