這本《Better Sentence Writing in 30 Minutes a Day》引導讀者從紮馬步開始練習基本功,先分解句子組成要素,依照句型與詞性逐項說明;接著分析所有英語句子的結構障礙,從錯誤中學習來加深印象;之後還會提及如何妥善運用標點符號,以及如何將句子改造得臻於完美。每一段重點後面特別設計不同形式的練習題,方便讀者逐步檢視學習成果。
本書不僅僅能帶你避開寫作陷阱,更能讓你超越自我,盡情創造出條理分明、句型靈活多變的精采作品,是學生族群與一般社會人士加強英語寫作力的實用好幫手!(文/ 博客來編譯)
Do your sentences run longer than a page? Or do they hang in the air, waiting for a subject, an object or some punctuation to finish them off?
This easy-to-use guide to sentence writing not only teaches you how to overcome run-ons and sentence fragments, but also all of the sentence construction obstacles encountered by anyone who needs to master (or re-master) the English language-all without making you do a single dreaded diagram! You'll learn a sentence-combining approach to writing that goes beyond helping you avoid errors by teaching you how to create sound sentences with variety and style.
You'll also find:
· Clear discussions of rules and strategies for good writing.
· Easy-to-understand explanations and plenty of exercises, from fill-in-the-blanks to transforming short sentences into longer and more graceful combinations.
· An answer key at the back of the book to encourage you to work at your own pace and check your answers as you go.
Even if you can't spare 30 minutes a day to learn how to write brilliant sentences, Better Sentence Writing in 30 Minutes a Day allows you to customize your learning to take as little as five minutes a day.
Just like its companion guides in the Better English Series, this book is just what the teacher ordered!