Mei-Ling Hopgood was an all-American girl. She grew up in the Midwest, studied journalism at the University of Missouri, and became a reporter for a Michigan newspaper. Adopted when she was a baby, she was never really curious about her Asian roots. Then one day, when she was in her twenties, her birth family from Taiwan came calling—on the phone, on the computer, by fax—in a language she didn’t understand. The Wangs wanted to meet her; they wanted her to return home. But this unexpected reunion has a price, as she uncovers devastating secrets that haunt the Wangs to this day.
Lucky Girl journeys into Chinese culture—its magnificent sights, war-torn history, and sumptuous foods—while revealing the personal suffering wrought by the country’s tightly held traditions. Mei-Ling’s is a tale of love and loss, frustration, hilarity, deep sadness, and great discovery as she comes to understand the true meaning of family.
梅齡.霍普古德(Mei-Ling Hopgood)
畢業於美國最優秀的密蘇里大學新聞系,現為自由撰稿記者與作家,作品散見各報章雜誌,如《國家地理旅人》、《新美人雜誌》、《邁阿密先鋒報》、《波士頓環球報》等等,任職過《底特律自由報》與《聖路易郵電報》等等報業記者,曾榮獲許多獎項肯定,其中最著名的是美國的「全國頭條新聞評論獎」(National Headliner Award)。2009年出版第一部作品《被抱走的女兒》(Lucky Girl),描述她接獲台灣原生家庭的一通電話,決定踏上返台尋根之旅的回憶錄
Mei-Ling Hopgood is an award-winning journalist who has written for the Detroit Free Press, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, National Geographic Traveler, and the Miami Herald and has worked in the Cox Newspapers Washington Bureau. She lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with her husband and daughter.