Tennessee is home to more than four hundred species of woody plants, but until now there has been no comprehensive guide to them. This work fills that gap, as B. Eugene Wofford and Edward W. Chester provide identification keys to all native and naturalized species of trees, shrubs, and woody vines found in the state.
The book is organized by plant types, which are divided into gymnosperms and angiosperms. For each species treated, the authors include both scientific and common names, a brief description, information on flowering and fruiting seasons, and distribution patterns. Photographs illustrate more than ninety five percent of species, and the text is fully indexed by families and genera, scientific names, and common names. A glossary is keyed to photographs in the text to illustrate definitions. In their introduction, Wofford and Chester provide an overview of the Tennessee flora and their characteristics, outline Tennessee’s physiographic regions, and survey the history of botanical research in the state. The authors also address the historical and environmental influences on plant distribution and describe comparative diversity of taxa within the regions.Guide to Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of Tennessee will be a valuable resource and identification guide for professional and lay readers alike, including students, botanists, foresters, gardeners, environmentalists, and conservationists interested in the flora of Tennessee.