父母應利用孩子與他人相處時, 從旁提醒每個小朋友都是獨特不同的, 尤其對於與自己不相同背景的小朋友, 也應給予接納與尊重。 書中插畫色彩豔麗精緻, 可吸引小朋友的目光。書中英文單字生活化,可讓孩童一邊學習英文, 一邊養成正確人格。
這是一套專為6至10歲的孩子所設計的生活教育故事書, 故事內容從孩子的生活環境中取材, 有日常的情境和簡單的語言, 讓成長中的孩子能在閱讀中潛移默化, 養成良好的生活態度和人格教育。
Your Primary Students will love this delightful series of twelve readers that invite children to read and sing along as they learn about positive character traits including courage, honesty friendship and respect. The songs in these character education readers encourage children to be caring, responsible citizens and give them a fun way to practice their reading skills.