時常在部落格「Menswear Dog」帥氣登場的柴犬Bodhi,經過主人David Fung和Yena Kim用心造型,本身英挺的氣息加上裝扮後優雅的氣質,在Instgram上擄獲全球近二十萬粉絲的目光,已然有歐美時尚巨星的態勢,現在更要出書教導大家如何穿出新經典男人味。
全書以季節作區分,從丹寧工作襯衫到軍裝大衣,皆由人氣名模Bodhi專業地呈現永不褪流行的各式穿搭術。參加隆重婚宴也好、偶爾瀟灑不羈也好,必備基本款的提示與保護衣物的說明都期盼著能讓每位男士的衣櫃裡再也找不到NG、過時的選擇。總而言之,跟著Bodhi穿,一年365天都是好型男! (文/ 博客來編譯)
Bodhi, the Shiba Inu behind the beloved blog Menswear Dog, is here to show you how to dress like a man. Organized seasonally, The New Classics highlights the timeless, can’t-go-wrong items every man needs in his wardrobe—from a chambray shirt to a perfectly fitted peacoat (all modeled by Bodhi, of course)—and shows how to mix and match them all year long.
Whatever your style dilemma, dog’s got your back! Readers will learn what to wear to a summer wedding, when to splurge (on the perfect white dress shirt) and when to save (snag your military field jacket at a thrift store), the secrets to getting the right fit, the brands that stand the test of time, the basics of clothing care, and more.