When you run a fund-raising event, there is always a risk that you and your organization could lose rather than make money. In most cases, proper planning and organizing can minimize the risk. In this book, The Chairpersons Guide, Seven Steps to Coordinating Non-Profit and Church Organizations Fund-Raising Events, the author guides the reader through all the critical phases of running a fund-raising event which includes Planning, Organizing, Developing, Marketing, Running, Measuring and Assessing. If you have taken on the challenge and responsibilities of chairing an event, this book is a must read Developed from over 30 years of personal fund-raising experiences and utilizing common industrial engineering tools used in industry, Ron Urbanczyk guides you through the fundraising process Step by Step. Every Church group, Legion Post, Volunteer Fire Company, Benevolent Society and Non-Profit Organization should have a copy of this book in their reference library.