Based on more than 1,000 interviews with men, this book reveals the true, surprising causes of "jerky" behavior among good guys-and how women can avoid it.
Single women of America, brace yourselves! When it comes to dating, it turns out that single guys are just as lost and confused as you are. That's the good news. The bad news: many good guys try to mask their normal and healthy feelings of romantic confusion with some, well, seriously asshole-ish behavior.
Sex and dating expert Amber Madison surveyed more than one thousand guys in ten American cities, and she came to the heartening conclusion that all guys are not assholes-not by a long shot. They want love, commitment, serious relationships, and marriage in numbers equal to women. But because of cultural messages dictating that real men never feel vulnerable, they can have a hard time embracing those impulses-and this is where disrespectful dating behavior can come in.
Are All Guys Assholes? gives women the whole truth about why nice guys sometimes act like complete jerks, and teaches them what they can do-both to protect the relationship and protect themselves. Madison zeroes in on the specific jerky behaviors that can arise in romantic commitment, and then counsels women through each danger zone, showing how insecurity and fear can create asshole-ish behavior. She then provides women with concrete steps to defuse situations-without acting like a doormat-or cut a genuine asshole loose.