MYTHOS: Dance of Psyche: Rhythm of Consciousness is a healing story that shows a shift in consciousness from being a machine, moving fast in time to dancing with life, becoming a vibrant human being. It describes the emotional spiritual conditions of our times; the traumatic effects of profit over the needs of people, and the traumatic effects of the bully as gatekeeper of the profit motive. She uses her own trauma as mirror into the collective trauma of our times: sexual harassment as Navy Nurse; bullying in the health care system; many toxic bosses; ancestral trauma of holocaust; and early childhood grief and loss. Thus, making her sensitive to racism, sexism, and classism. She gives a warning about s profit over people, hurry-up rhythm and the effect it would have on our health and freedom, alienation, violence and war, and potential for fascism. This message was in the first book and, continues in this one. She uses her own trauma as mirror into the collective through dance and dreams.
Dance is used as symbol of the psyche. A personal and collective story is told through posture, rhythm, Images and dreams. It is also about the denial of vulnerability related to human needs and feelings that drive the alienation and make people sick and/or violent. The writing is sensitive and heartfelt.There are illustrations, watercolor painting of dreams and beautiful photography of dance that shows movement across time and the life force.It is a philosophical shift from a mechanized, commercialized world to one that is human, from war to peace, and from trauma to well-being, becoming compassionate human beings. It is a healing journey from darkness into the light.