《Child of Glass》講述了一個從排斥到接受自己與眾不同的故事,探討了接納自我獨特之處的旅程。
不論年齡,無分大小,《Child of Glass》提醒我們捍衛自我的權利,自由與接受什麼無關,而是提出問題並採取行動,讓我們生存在世界上,猶如在家中一樣舒適安全。
書中的繪本創作以紋理拼貼藝術結合現實與虛幻,鳥兒伸出雙手擁抱吉賽兒、眼淚像切割過的鑽石一樣發亮,使《Child of Glass》整本書的氛圍看起來有超現實主義的感受。最特別的是在透明紙張之下,每個人都可以透過書頁看到吉賽兒的想法,將書中概念與書頁的藝術創作融為一體,令人驚艷。
《Child of Glass》作者、義大利繪本作家碧翠絲.阿雷馬娜(Beatrice Alemagna)曾創作過無數得獎作品,她的繪本被翻譯成十四種語言,暢銷全球,包括《巴黎的獅子》、《巨大無比的小東西》等,豐富的畫面配上如詩一般的文字,深深打動大人小孩讀者的心!
A story about difference, exclusion, and ultimately self-acceptance, Child of Glass explores the interplay between inner and outer and the journey we have to go on to become ourselves.
Child of Glass is about Gisele, a fragile, strong, transparent girl who denounces the meanness that can mark life in the world. In sparse, poetic language that all of us, however young or old, can understand, Child of Glass reminds us of our birthright to become ourselves. Freedom isn’t about accepting what is; it’s about asking the questions and taking the actions that allow us to be at home in the world.
Beautifully illustrated in a painterly, drawn, and collaged style, this is a story of layers, textures, and transparencies in every sense. It is also a book that explores the possibilities of form to render idea, thereby providing connective tissue between the world of the book and life in the world.
“To draw is to tell. Everyone who feels emotion has something to tell. Emotions keep on changing, growing, as children do. My drawings and stories change with them.” So says Beatrice Alemagna, who was born in Bologna, Italy, in 1973. Alemagna has written and illustrated dozens of children’s books, which have received numerous awards all over the world and have been translated into fourteen languages. She has also had solo exhibitions in France, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Sweden, and Japan. Alemagna’s The Wonderful Fluffy Little Squishy is also published by Enchanted Lion.