Pornography, cybersex, prostitutes, voyeurism, multiple affairs. No matter the 'drug' of choice, men who act out sexually leave their partners reeling in fear, rage, incredible shame, and isolation. Deceived was written expressly to help these women better understand what is happening in their lives, garner validation for their experiences, and find a path that offers clarity, direction, and voice.
Bestselling author Claudia Black guides readers to understand aspects of their personal histories that have lead them to be in relationships plagued by sexual betrayal, and reveals how their partner's behavior can be as addictive as a drug. Black then outlines proactive steps that readers can take to build healthier relationships and take care of themselves, illustrated by accounts of real women who have done so successfully. She teaches women how to set nonnegotiable boundaries in order to heighten their security during this vulnerable period. She reveals ways they can avoid preoccupation with their problems and make positive changes for themselves and their partners.
With Deceived, women will learn to honor themselves by making choices derived from esteem and integrity. In the end, they will have the ability to proactively emerge from emotional isolation, shed secrets and shame, and discover their power.