The dominant position of science in our culture has ended. In our postmodern world, belief that science will provide the answer to our problems and that progress is inevitable has been shaken, if not toppled. Optimism has been replaced by realism, creating a milieu for the development of intelligent Christian belief. Participating in the Trinity Institute’s conference on ""The Church in a Postmodern Age, these six prominent scholars explore the breakdown of the basic tenets of the Enlightenment, the sorry state of biblical literacy in our culture, Christian faith in a pluralistic world, the relevance of the Bible today, and the role of the church in our age. Contributors include Robert N. Bellah, Diogenes Allen, George A. Lindbeck, James B. Miller, Sandra M. Schneiders, and Rowan D. Williams. The central question of this book, then, is, How do we tell the Christian story in a postmodern, pluralistic world? Certainly we must ... restore the language of the Bible to its former currency in the culture, if possible. Beyond that, how do we address the postmodern world? How do we do postmodern theology? Each author provides an answer. --from the Introduction Frederic B. Burnham was former director of Trinity Institute at Trinity Church in New York City.