Reimagine how you design and deliver
professional development
- 101 specific strategies, tools, and activities featuring well-researched techniques for engaging all adult learners with respect for the unique needs of individuals from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and experiences.
- Original and exclusive inspirational tips and strategies from highly regarded speakers, authors, and researchers, including interviews and video clips available via QR codes, from leading voices in the field including Holly Elissa Bruno, Toni Christie, Leland Clarke, Beth Fredericks, Joelfre’ L. Grant, Luis Hernandez, Debbie LeeKeenan, Karen Nemeth, Jayne Singer, Debra Sosin, and Linda Schumacher.
- Suggested resources for designing and implementing professional learning experiences.
- Planning tools and templates for designing a variety of professional development experiences.
- Examples of workshop activities with adaptations for group size, diverse adult learning styles, and live or virtual events.