Courtney Adams Wooten is director of composition at George Mason University. She is a member of the Council of Writing Program Administrators Executive Board and book review editor for the journal WPA: Writing Program Administration. She is a coeditor of WPAs in Transition, and her work has been published in Composition Studies, Harlot, WPA, and Peitho as well as in several edited collections.
Jacob Babb is associate professor of English at Indiana University Southeast and a coeditor for the journal WPA: Writing Program Administration. He is a coeditor of WPAs in Transition, has published articles in Harlot, WPA, and Composition Forum and chapters in several edited collections, and received the Distinguished Research and Creativity Award for Junior Faculty from IU Southeast in 2017. Kristi Murray Costello is associate professor of English and associate chair of writing studies and general education at Old Dominion University and has served as a WPA of many different kinds of writing programs--bridge, basic writing, living learning communities, first-year composition, WAC/WID, writing centers, and writing studies. Her work has been published in Composition Forum, Creative Nonfiction, The Peer Review, Women in Higher Education, WPA, and several edited collections. She was named Arkansas College English Teacher of the Year 2016-2017. Kate Navickas is director of the Cornell Writing Centers and teaches in the Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines at Cornell University. In addition to emotional labor, her research centers on feminist pedagogy and writing assignments. Her work has been published in Pedagogy, Composition Forum, and several edited collections.