Frederick Monderson is a retired college professor and school teacher who taught African History in the City University of New York and American History and Government in the New York public schools. He has written nearly 900 articles in the New York Black Press, Daily Challenge, Afro Times and New American newspapers. In this venture, Monderson lends his expertise as a historian, Egyptologist, journalist and author of several books including Michael Jackson: The Last Dance, 50 on Point, Black Nationalism: Alive and Well, Barack Obama: Ready, Fit to Lead, Barack Obama: Master of Washington, D.C., Sonny Carson: The Final Triumph, and on Ancient Egypt - Seven Letters to Mike Tyson on Egyptian Temples, 10 Poems Praising Great Blacks for Mike Tyson, Research Essays on Ancient Egypt, Temple of Karnak: The Majestic Architecture of Ancient Kemet, Where are the Kamite Kings?, Abydos and Osiris, Temple of Luxor, Medinet Habu: Mortuary Temple of Rameses III, The Quintessential Book on Ancient Egypt: "Holy Land" (A Novel on Egypt), Hatshepsut’s Temple at Deir el Bahari, The Majesty of Egyptian Gods and Temples (a book of Egyptian Poems), Egypt Essays on Ancient Kemet, The Ramesseum: Mortuary Temple of Rameses II, The Colonnade: Then and Now, Reflections on Ancient Kemet, Grassroots View of Ancient Egypt and Glory of the Ancestors: 19 Letters to O.J. Simpson on Ancient African History. A student of the esteemed Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan, Dr. Monderson conducts tours to Egypt. For Tour information, Please contact Orleane Brooks-Williams at Nostrand Travel, 730 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11216. Phone Number 718-756-5300. Next Tour July 17-July 30, 2011.