One of our long-time authors has organized a collection of his short stories which includes:
Credible Witness - homeless veteran accused of murder has no hope of proving his innocence.
Stuck in Valhalla - a man from Rhode Island stops for gas and becomes a target to help complete a patriotic cemetery. Twilight Zone meets the Ozarks.
Turnabout Is Fair Play - a husband decides to terminate his wife after she tries to terminate him.
The Drifter - Todd Mitchel’s wife and young son are killed. The occupants of the van who impacted their car are fleeing from a robbery. Through a bungled investigation they will not be charged with the deaths. Todd won’t let them go unpunished.
Premonition - A traveler’s premonition proves prophetic
Final Conviction - Death row convict minutes away from execution waits for word from the governor.
Give Up the Ghost - A couple of ghost hunters travel to Europe to visit a haunted castle. It proves to be deadly and haunted.
The Key to Christmas - Bus driver collects Christmas donations for the Salvation Army. A key is dropped into his bucket. It could lead to a treasure if he could only figure out what the key unlocks.
And more.