The global economy is a complex, world-spanning, layer-upon-layer-upon-layer behemoth; one could argue that there’s almost nothing in our lives that isn’t in some way connected to the worlds of business and finance. And yet few of us truly understand it—even the world’s foremost economists can’t seem to agree on how it works.
The Global Economy As You’ve Never Seen It shows how the economy works in 99 brilliantly illustrated infographics that everyone can understand. From labor to business to finance to theory, and from the things you buy and the way you buy them to the way everything is made, authors Jan Schwochow and Thomas Ramge bring to life every facet of the web of economics that makes the world run. With its endlessly varied, information rich visuals, this book invites us to see the economy differently—and to finally understand how it all fits together.
The Global Economy As You’ve Never Seen It shows how the economy works in 99 brilliantly illustrated infographics that everyone can understand. From labor to business to finance to theory, and from the things you buy and the way you buy them to the way everything is made, authors Jan Schwochow and Thomas Ramge bring to life every facet of the web of economics that makes the world run. With its endlessly varied, information rich visuals, this book invites us to see the economy differently—and to finally understand how it all fits together.