After a fatal accident Lorelei Goodrow follows the lives of five people who receive her organs, including that of her father who gets her heart. Her untimely demise has left her in turmoil. She is unable to move on without letting go and letting go is the last thing on her agenda. Lorelei Goodroe’s father has her heart. She has many questions. First off, how did she end up on heaven’s doorstep? As hard as she tries, she can’t remember, not yet. Now that she’s there, Lorelei explores life below as it continues without her, first through a magnificent Golden Window—that portrays “what is”—and then finds she is able to view the same events through a parallel window—appropriately labeled the Silver Lining—as though she had never died (the “what if”). In doing so she makes some powerful discoveries, including the lovely adage that life on earth and what we do with it, of course, can make a difference, but so can death!