這套有聲書為美國知名脫口秀主持人艾倫•李•狄珍妮(Ellen Lee DeGeneres)第三本著作,由艾倫親自朗讀。書名取自艾倫在搞笑後,最愛說的口頭禪:「你當真嗎?開玩笑的啦!(Seriously...I'm Kidding)」,內容從生活觀察、艾倫當美國偶像評審始末,還有她和老婆Portia相處之道無所不談,章章精彩搞笑。
I've experienced a whole lot the last few years and I have a lot to share. So I hope that you'll take a moment to sit back, relax and enjoy the words I've put together for you in this book. I think you'll find I've left no stone unturned, no door unopened, no window unbroken, no rug unvacuumed, no ivories untickled. What I'm saying is, let us begin, shall we?