Aki Sato is back...
Aki’s life has surpassed even her wildest dreams. In five years, Aki has found success and stardom in music, and more importantly, love in her partner and collaborator, Kiya.
But for Aki, the dream has become a nightmare: Kiya is lost in time, and a force Aki has never before encountered blocks her ability to time travel, the Amida.
Aki discovers a hidden enemy within the Amida, who seeks her power and leaves the thing most dear to Aki hanging in the balance. To Aki, there is no alternative but one dangerous, and desperate gamble.
The third volume in the Sweet Dreams Series, "Shake Hands with the Devil" finds Aki Sato at her most obsessed, even ruthless in her search for Kiya and to protect the Amida. Meanwhile, Kiya sails the Great Lakes in 1960s America, knowing she is on her own, until Aki can find her.
Tory Gates brings the Sweet Dreams Series full circle in "Shake Hands with the Devil," available at SunburyPress.com, Amazon and wherever great books are sold.